MoVember. Raising Funds to Fight Cancer!
Every November, a band of perfectly ordinary men take on the brave task of Movember: Growing a moustache for charity in a bid to raise awareness about men's health; Prostate Cancer, Testicular Cancer, and all other cancers which we battle.
As firefighters, according to a recent NIOSH study we are 68% more likely to get cancer then the general public. We all know someone fighting the fight!
For all who participate or would like to just attend and support, we will be hosting a donation based SHAVE OFF PARTY:
December 1st 10 am - 2 pm
Located at: Livermore Barber Shop
2027 Third Street
Livermore, CA 94550
Drinks, coffee and snacks will be provided. We'll be donating our time & space along with 100% of all proceeds will be donated to the American Cancer Society!
Last year was a huge success, we raised over $10,000 dollars for cancer research and I want to thank everyone who participated last year, and all who plan to participate this year.
We have some new additions this year as well:
Corn hole tournament with prizes!
Best mustache in the ACFD with a plaque and bragging rights!
All wishing to participate must start November clean shaven face with photo evidence and must shave off their moustache on December 1st.
(more rules to follow).
For those who want to show support in other ways:
Please contact Josh Leines to make a donation or RSVP.
Email: @livermorebarbershop #alcocancerfund #alcofirefighters @lpfirefighters @local55oakland @fremontfirefighters @haywardfirefighters #piedmontfirefighters @berkeleyfirefighters @sffdlocal798 @sanjosefirefighters @mfd1699 @vallejo_firefighters @srvfirefighters @bayareafirefighter @californiafirefighter @stocktonfirefighters @menlo_park_firefighters @alamedacofire @eastbaypatch @castrovalleynews @ktvu2 @alexsavidgektvu @firefightersfirst @calfirelocal2881 @nbcbayarea @brodienbcs.
That time a year to grow out mustache for a great cause.
Come by December 1st to shave off and hang out.